Snooker Room
Our aim at Punjab International Swimming Complex to develop an awareness about the sports.
Therefore, we have tried to prepare a full attractive environment for the sports lovers in which Snooker Room is also included. This room is especially designed for those swimmers, athletes and other sportsmen and women to come and relax for some time. This area has also been designed for national and international snooker and billiards events to provide a place where all international facilities available.
Snooker Room in PISC is providing exclusive facilities to all snooker enthusiasts for polishing their game.
It can only happen if there are professional coaches so for that, our plan is to hire expert coaches who will guide the players properly by following international standards and techniques as well.
Salient Features
- Exceptional Environment
- Latest Equipment
- Wonderful Interior
- Idealistic Approach for Giving Comfort
- Available for Males and Females
- Relaxation at its peak
- Classical Wall Painting to make the Environment Ideal for the Game